Eclipse Setup


Eclipse version 3.3 is required for working with the SAF sources version 0.9 and higher.


The SAF depends on the following Eclipse plugins

Also, you might want to install a Subversion plugin. There are several Subversion plugins available for Eclipse, a nice one is

Import Projects

For setting up SAF modules in Eclipse checkout a source release or a source snapshot from Subversion and import the source tree into Eclipse. Open the File->Import dialog and select the root directory of the SAF sources. The import dialog recognizes all SAF modules as Eclipse projects.

Import SAF modules

Then press the Finish button. You should see the the SAF modules as Maven2 Eclipse projects. This step may take a while if Maven2 needs to download dependencies from the central Maven2 repository.

Import SAF modules

Classpath Variables

Finally, define the M2_REPO classpath variable. Open the Window->Preferences dialog. Go to Java->Build Path->Classpath Variables and press the New button. Use M2_REPO for the variable name and define the path to your local Maven2 repository. This is needed for running JUnit tests within Eclipse.

M2_REPO variable

Press OK.